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African Holistic Health Chapter of NY

Health & Beauty
Queens, New York, 11420


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African Holistic Health & Wellness Center the Voice of Holistic Wellness in the African Community & the Diaspora Worldwide Picture FORMED IN HONOR OF MASTER TEACHER DR. LLAILA O. AFRIKA Dedicated to promoting African-centered holistic principles and providing a sacred support system, as a learning institute, where we advocate holistic alternatives; with a special focus on the health care needs of people of color. We promote holistic lifestyle modalities that honor the whole person (mind, body, spirit) and encourage people to actively participate in their own health & wellness. We are a support group to incubate holistic health practitioners. We offer continuing education to the holistic health community. We are a holistic educational resource to the community at large. We connect holistic health practitioners to the community in need of service. We bring holistic health services to the community via various events and festivals. “BUILDING STRONG FAMILIES WITH NATURAL HEALTH & WELLNESS”