61 S. Market St.
Charleston, SC 29401
East Bay Locksmith is the best local locksmith in Charleston, SC. If you are ever locked out of your home or building, we are the locksmiths for the job.
We also can assist you with creating car keys, duplicate keys, change car locks, program car keys, get access to cars, reprogram car keys, program car keys, install key pad locks, open safe locks and much more.
If you need a reliable emergency locksmith in East Bay Charleston, SC who can get you access 24/7 then look no further than us! We proudly serve customers in: the East Bay, Hampton Park Terrace, Harleston Village, South of Broad, Anson Borough, North-Central, East Central, Nomo, Wagener Terrace, and St. Andrews.
Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
215 Promenade Vista St #3056, Charleston, SC 29412
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