Bel Nouvo was founded upon a simple premise: love of family. When my sister went to college, she adopted a more natural lifestyle and wanted to include natural beauty products into her regimen. The limited and often disappointing options left her with brittle hair and dry skin. Inspired by her struggle (and being the great big brother that I am), I decided to develop natural products for her to use.
The results exceeded our expectations and she was delighted. But when the response of family and friends mirrored her enthusiasm, I had an "aha moment." There was a market for products offering luxurious moisture without harmful chemical additives. It was a niche my products could fill. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Our line of handcrafted hair and skincare products are made using natural ingredients that deliver rich conditioners from head to toe. Pamper yourself and experience new beauty with Bel Nouvo. I believe she deserves better products and so do you!